Remove Wga Windows Xp

How To Remove Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (WGA)

What is Windows Genuine Advantage Notification?

Windows Genuine Advantage is a software anti-piracy program started by Microsoft in 2005. It enforces the online validation of some of the Microsoft products. It is automatically installed if Windows Automatic Updates are enabled. If goes to the Windows Update site, it will ask you for installing this validation tool before you can select the updates from the Microsoft update website. By accepting to install this validation tool, an ActiveX component in Internet Explorer is installed.
What does it do?

  1. Super WGA-Remover's complete uninstall command line is C: Program Files Super WGA-Remover uninstall.exe. The program's main executable file is labeled WGA.exe and it has a size of 228.00 KB (233472 bytes). The executable files below are installed together with Super WGA-Remover. They take about 794.50 KB (813568 bytes) on disk.
  2. Windows or Office product key. Windows XP product ID. How to remove WGA notification: There are several ways to disable WGA notification. Some of them are given below: 1- Through Firewall. WGA notification can easily be disable through your firewall. You can disable the automatic startup of wgatray.exe and wgalogon.dll through your firewall.
  3. When you find the program WGA Remover version 1.3, click it, and then do one of the following: Windows Vista/7/8: Click Uninstall. Windows XP: Click the Remove or Change/Remove tab (to the right of the program).
  4. Alternatively, try to uninstall and remove WGA ver 1.5.708.0 by removing the LegitCheckControl.dll, WgaLogon.dll and WgaTray.exe from Windows System32 folder, and download the WGA v1.5.554.0 or v1.5.540.0 from the link above, and apply the patch for WGA 1.5.554.0 or 1.5.540.0. WGA version 1.5.554.0.
  5. Notifications application does what it will check your Microsoft Windows XP validity. If it found that the copy of Windows XP is not validated, not genuine, counterfeit, unlicensed, pirated, illegal, unauthorised or simply failed the Windows Genuine Advantage validation process, then the notification messages will appear at various places and time.
  6. When you install the Windows XP operating system on a computer, you will need to enter your product key to activate your copy of the software. If you choose later to install the software on another computer, you must deactivate Windows on the initial computer and then activate it on the new computer after it is installed.

If, for some reason, this tool fails to
validate your Windows, then it’ll always show you a warning that you may be a victim of software counterfeiting and that your Windows is not genuine. It will show up on your logon screen and make you wait for some seconds. And when you logon, it will just site in your status bar and will keep annoying you.

Here is the description of Windows Genuine Advantage Tool from Microsoft.

When this tool is installed, it shows up before logging on to the system

And keeps on displaying the balloons in the status bar.

Windows Vista

Windows XP

Windows Genuine Advantage Notification is a system of notification of the results of Windows authentication. If authentication finds out that the key installed in the system is not genuine, then a star will appear in system tray which will be constantly annoying you with messages about the necessity to buy the license.

What data does WGA collect?This tool, if installed, collects the following data from the system.
Computer make and model
BIOS checksum.
MAC address.
Hard drive serial number.
Region and language settings of the operating system.
Operating system version.
PC BIOS information (make, version, date).
PC manufacturer.
User locale setting.
Validation and installation results.
Windows or Office product key.
Windows XP product ID.
How to remove WGA notification:

There are several ways to disable WGA notification. Some of them are given below:
1- Through Firewall

WGA notification can easily be disable through your firewall. You can disable the automatic startup of wgatray.exe and wgalogon.dll through your firewall. This will disable WGA notifications and this will do no harm to the system.
2- Through third party softwares

There are many softwares available which can disable WGA notifications. Notable softwares include WGARemover and MUBlinder.
3- Through System RestoreIf you have installed WGA by mistake, you can always use your system restore to get rid of it. Restore your system to the point where WGA was not installed.
4- Through deleting files manually

To remove WGA manually, follow the steps below:
Download this bat file
Double click it and restart your system
Most probably, you have successfully deleted all the files used by WGA. Now it should not come at logon.

If this bat file does not work, you should manually delete the following files from your system:
(Where X is your Windows Drive)

And you must also create an empty wglogon.dll file in the same directory from which you are deleting it.

Restart your system once you’re finished. If you are having problems with following these steps, please write in comments.
Important Note: Microsoft has updated its WGA Tool. Now the above mentioned method will not work. Please see my latest article about how to crack the latest WGA Tool.

See Also: Office Genuine Advantage Cracked

Tambahan Artikel :

Membuat Windows Xp bajakan menjadi Asli 100%

Bagi para pemakai windows bajakan yang sering konek dengan internet, mungkin anda sudah tidak asing dengan WGA validation.:D WGA validation merupakan suatu teknik yang dikembangkan oleh Microsoft, untuk menlindungi software Windows XP dari pembajakan, cara kerjanya yakni dengan mengecek setiap komputer ber-OS Windows Xp yang update ke website microsoft dengan database mereka. Jika komputer anda tidak Originil, Ternyata microsoft galak juga.
Jika anda tidak suka dengan pesan tersebut dan ingin menghilangkannya, anda tinggal download software WGA Remover, kemudian install di komputer anda.:) Kemudian restart komputer anda dan lihat hasilnya. Dijamin pesan-pesan dari Microsoft bakal hilang semua:D
Hhhmm…sampai disini perjuangan kita belum berhasil, meskipun sekarang anda telah berhasil menghilangkan proteksi WGA namun suatu saat ketika komputer anda update lagi maka pesan tersebut akan muncul (pengalaman pribadi).;) Sekarang kita akan lakukan langkah terakhir dengan melakukan crack di registry. Gampang bgt, caranya anda tinggal copy paste code dibawah ini kedalam notepad. Kemudian simpan dengan nama hack.reg

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINESOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NTCurrentVersion WPAEvents]
“OOBETimer”=hex: ff,d5,71, d6,8b,6a, 8d,6f,d5, 33,93,fd
“LastWPAEventLogged” =hex:d5,07, 05,00,06, 00,07,00, 0f,00,38, 00,24,00, fd,02
[HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINESOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NTCurrentVersion]
“SubVersionNumber” =””
“CurrentBuild” =”1.511.1 () (Obsolete data – do not use)”
“InstallDate”= dword:44cd8133
“ProductName”=” Microsoft Windows XP”
“RegisteredOrganizat ion”=”GANTI DENGAN APALAH”
“RegisteredOwner” =”GANTI DENGAN NAMA KAMU”
“ProductId”=”55274- 083-1816955- 22307?
“DigitalProductId” =hex:a4,00, 00,00,03, 00,00,00, 35,35,32, 37,34,2d, 36,34,30, 2d,
38,33,36,35, 33,39,31, 2d,32,33, 32,30,31, 00,2e,00, 00,00,41, 32,32,2d, 30,30,30,
30,31,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,76, c7,64,cc, 82,46,03, 68,eb,53, 4a,11,a5, 85,03,00,
00,00,00,00, b3,27,d3, 44,1f,3c, 3b,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00,
00,00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,38,30, 35,32,35, 00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,89,18,
00,00,5c,10, 78,54,7f, 01,00,00, fc,1a,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00,
00,00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,3a,db, c2,b8
“LicenseInfo”= hex:33,8f, a0,1f,f1, 70,1e,70, 76,91,0c, 85,8d,d8, 72,e6,22, 81,8b,ae,
5c,a3,55,fb, a2,d3,ba, 60,f6,d0, 4e,4a,37, 85,5d,00, 86,39,5b, db,dd,fc, 35,91,3c,
ca,d4,43,81, 22,ca,82, 5a,f6,47, 08

Setelah anda copy dan simpan code diatas, maka jalankan file tersebut dengan cara double click file yang anda buat.
Belum puas dengan langkah-langkah diatas, sebenarnya ada satu langkah lagi agar windows kita 100% asli. Kita dapat menggunakan software keyfinder untuk merubah Windows Key dan Microsoft Windows Genuine Advantage Tool untuk mengecek windows kita asli atau tidak.
Selamat windows anda sekarang menjadi windows asli tapi palsu:D Dengan langkah2 diatas maka anda dapat mendownload IE anda menjadi versi IE 7 dan Media Player upgrade ke versi 11.
Sekian dulu yah, pesan saya gunakan selalu open source jgn biasakan diri anda bergantung sama windows (meskipun saya sendiri masih belum bisa lepas 100%)

AttentionBefore you read this post, I highly recommend you check out my resources page for access to the tools and services I use to not only maintain my system but also fix all my computer errors, by clicking here!

Remove Wga Windows 7


The Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool is a system that was designed and created by Microsoft in order to implement online validation of their most recent operating systems. In one of the more recent operating systems, Windows 7, the Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) Validation Tool is renamed to Activation Technologies. This tool (WGA) is made up of two components:

  • The WGA Notification, which is a component that is installed onto the system. It attaches itself to the Winlogon so that it can validate the authenticity of the operating system every time you boot up.
  • The second component is an ActiveX Control; this is used to validate the licence of the operating system when the user attempts to download a Windows Update.

The WGA Notification is able to validate Windows XP/Vista/7 & 8 operating systems only. The ActiveX Control on the other hand, is able to validate all of the above including Windows 2000.

The WGA, when installed on your computer, will advertise the latest service packs for your operating system, this is especially the case with Windows XP based system. WGA was originally a voluntary system, which was changed to mandatory in July 2005.

The Installation Process

Whether or not the Windows genuine advantage validation tool installs on your system, depends on your Windows Update settings. In most cases, the tool will be downloaded automatically, then install itself when you next restart the computer. During the installation process, you may or may not be able to review the licence terms and choose whether or not to decline the update. If you choose to decline the install, then the operating system will never ask you to install the update again. Once the license terms and installation process has been completed, you will be greeted with the occasional update, relevant to your version of Windows.

After the installation is complete, the tool will run its validation process in order to verify whether or not your copy of Windows is genuine. If your copy of Windows is found not to be genuine, then when you next restart the computer, you will be presented with various notifications. The notifications will inform you that your copy of Windows is not genuine and then present you with the appropriate option(s) to resolve it. However, if your operating system passes the validation process, then you won’t be greeted with any notification.

If you opt to download the Windows genuine advantage validation tool directly from the Microsoft Download Center, then you will be taken through the typical installation process to apply the update. This will include you having to review and agree to the licence terms of the update. However, once the tool has been installed onto your computer, there’s no install shield that you can run to uninstall it.

When WGA Validation Fails

On systems running Windows Vista without any install service packs, failure of WGA validation has a much harder felt impact then on other platforms. In addition to the notifications, that persistently show up, across the screen, and the disabling of non-critical updates, the Windows genuine advantage validation tool also disables Windows Defender, Windows Aero and Windows ReadyBoost. The user is then given a certain period of time to authenticate Windows Vista, after which the entire operating system will be disabled, restricting the user to using the system in a reduced functionality mode. However, this does not occur on Windows Vista systems that have Service Pack 1 running on them, instead, the user will simply be inundated with notifications.

On Windows XP Professional, Windows 7 Ultimate and Windows Vista Business, the user will initially be presented with a pop-up notification. However, once the user boots into the system, they’ll find that the wallpaper has been changed to black, and on the lower right hand side of the screen, there will be a notice, which cannot be removed. However, the user will still be able to interact with objects in and around the notices. Windows XP users will also be presented with a notification on the login screen. However, the user will be able to change the wallpaper to whatever he/she likes, but after an hour has lapsed, it will revert back to the black wallpaper.

Below, I’ve outlined a number of methods that you can use to remove the Windows genuine advantage validation tool, once it has been installed and is running on your computer.

Manually Remove Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool

Remove Wga Windows Xp

This is a fairly complicated procedure that will require you to edit your registry, modify certain system files and restart your system a number of times. Though, if you’re adamant about removing this tool, this is the only sure-fire way of doing it. Anyway, to manually remove the Windows genuine advantage validation tool, simply do the following.

1. First, log into your computer with full administrative rights.

2. Then click on Start -> Run [Windows Vista/7: Press + R], type %Windir%system32 and click on OK.

3. This will take you to your System32 folder, from here, you’ll want to right click on WgaLogon.dll, and then click on Rename.

Download Remove Wga Windows Xp

4. Then change WgaLogon.dll to WgaLogon.old.

5. You’ll always need to change the file extension of WgaTray.exe, however, in order to do this, you’ll need to download and install Change Type, which is a file extension editor program. To acquire this tool, I suggest you check out my post on changing file extensions.

Once you have the tool up and running on your system, simply right click on WgaTray.exe, and then click on Change Type.

6. This will bring up a small applet, from here, change the file extension from exe to old, and click on OK.

7. Once you’ve changed the file extension of these two files, restart your computer.

8. When you’re computer has finished rebooting. Click on Start -> Run, type cmd and click on OK. [Windows Vista/7: Start -> Type cmd (into the Search programs and files box) and Press CTRL + Shift + Enter, then click on Continue]

9. This will bring up Command Prompt, from here you’ll want to type Regsvr32 %Windir%system32LegitCheckControl.dll /u and then press Enter.

10. Once you’ve successfully unregistered the LegitCheckControl.dll file by using Regsvr32, restart your computer, once again.

11. When your computer finishes rebooting for the second time. Load up Command Prompt again, by clicking on Start -> Run, typing cmd and clicking on OK. [Windows Vista/7: Start -> Type cmd (into the Search programs and files box) and Press CTRL + Shift + Enter, then click on Continue]

12. On Command Prompt, you’ll need to type Del %Windir%system32wgalogon.old then press Enter.

13. Then type Del %Windir%system32WgaTray.old and press Enter.

14. Finally, type Del %Windir%system32LegitCheckControl.dll and press Enter, to delete the last and final WGA file.

15. Close the Command Prompt and click on Start -> Run [Windows Vista/7: Press + R], type regedit and click on OK.

WARNING: Delete or editing the wrong registry entry can cause irreparable damage to your operating system.

16. This will bring up the Registry Editor; from here you’ll want to navigate to the following path:

Remove Wga Windows Xp

17. Then right click on the WgaLogon sub key and select Delete.

18. Once you’ve successfully deleted the first sub key, navigate to the next path:


19. Then right click on the WgaNotify sub key and select Delete.

20. Once you’ve done, restart your computer and you’re finished.

Use System Restore

If you think manually removing the Windows genuine advantage validation tool is too complicated, then you may want to try System Restore. However, this method only works if you’ve only just recently installed the Windows Genuine Advantage notification. All one needs to do is use system restore to set the computer back to a restore point prior to the installation of the WGA update, then configure you’re computer so that you can pick and choose which updates you would like to install, that way you can refuse the installation of the WGA update.

Anyway, to utilise this method, you’ll first need to have some understanding of how to use System Restore to set your system back. Fortunately I’ve written a post on this feature, so I suggest you check it out here.

Once you’ve set your system back, you’ll want to change your Automatic Update Settings. This can be done by doing the following.

1. First, ensure you’ve logged into your computer with administrative rights.

2. Then click on Start -> Control Panel.

3. Once the Control Panel loads up, double click on Automatic Updates.

4. This will bring up Automatic Updates applet, from here click on Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them. Then click on Apply and OK.

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