2 Player Rock Paper Scissors Game


What it does:

2 Player Rock Paper Scissors Game

Rock paper scissors (also known by other permutations such as scissors paper rock, scissors paper stone, paper rock scissors, or ro-sham-bo) is a hand game usually played between two people, in which each player simultaneously forms one of three shapes with an outstretched hand. This program is a rock paper scissors simulation. There are two players and each enters r, p or s (lower or upper case). The program then lets the players know who won based on the normal rps rules. There are 5 rounds and it prints the results of each individual game and a running total of games won. This is an online Rock Paper Scissor game, in which you will have to make sure that you can gain points and defeat your adversary. Paper defeats Rorck, Rock defeats Scissor and scissors defeat the paper. You will have to pick an item that defeats the other so that you can gain a lot of points. This game is also well known as Roshambo. By guessing the opponent’s moves, you can beat him/her. The one who reaches 3 score first, wins the game. You can play Rock Paper Scissors game either against CPU or against a friend in 2 PLAYER gaming mode! You can control the game by touch controls or by “A,S,D” and “J,K,L” in keyboarded. It is a simple game for 2 players. Each you and your competitor picks rock, paper, or scissors together at the same time. Scissors will beat paper but lose to rock. Paper will beat rock but loses to scissors. Rock will beat scissors but loses to paper. If you are interested in the serious history of this game – Check out Rock-Paper-Scissors.


Rock Paper Scissors Game 2 Player Unblocked

A fairly simple Rock – Paper – Scissors game which will allow two players to play with each other. Follows the basic rules of the game where:

2 Player Rock Paper Scissors Game Play

  • Rock defeats (breaks) Scissors.
  • Scissors defeats (cuts) Paper.
  • Paper defeats (covers) Rock.

When both users have entered their choice it will then decided based on the rules above who is the winner or if it is a tie. At the end of the game the users have the option where they would like to play again or quit. If they choose to quit they will be given an overview of the results which are carried on in every game played.

2 Player Rock Paper Scissors Game Variations

2 Player Rock Paper Scissors Game
